
Super clean – live healthy every day!

Abalone mushroom has the scientific name Pleurotus, is less susceptible to disease, easy to grow, has firm flesh, crispy taste, sweet taste, slightly chewy and has quite high nutritional value. There are 2 large groups: heat-resistant group (mushrooms grow from 20oC – 30oC) and cold-resistant group (mushrooms grow from 15oC – 25oC). Abalone mushrooms are also known as oyster mushrooms, white shiitake mushrooms, chewy mushrooms…

Abalone mushrooms have common characteristics: the mushroom ear has a deviated funnel shape, the spore-bearing mushroom blade extends down to the base, and the mushroom stalk near the base has a layer of small, smooth hair. Abalone mushroom ears have a dark or dark color when young, but when mature, the color becomes brighter.

The life cycle begins with sexual fertilized spores that germinate for primary and secondary nutritional mycelium systems, “ending” with the formation of a reproductive organ, the mushroom ear, which in turn produces basospores and cycles. The process of life continues.

This is a clean food because during the production process, growers do not use chemicals or pesticides, which affect consumers’ health.

Abalone mushrooms are easy to dry, just spread them thinly in a cool, windy place and the mushrooms will dry up. If exposed and dried, the time will be faster. Drying temperature is about 50oC. Usually dried mushrooms have a more characteristic aroma but are not as crispy and sweet as fresh mushrooms. The ratio of dried mushrooms to fresh mushrooms is 1/10 (10 kg of fresh mushrooms yields 1 kg of dried mushrooms).

Gray abalone mushroom products of Vuong Dien Mushroom Farm are grown directly at the farm, committed to not using any post-harvest mushroom preservatives and finished products, always providing consumers with fresh mushrooms, harvested within date, quality assurance. Currently, we provide consumers with fresh and dried gray abalone mushroom products.

Vuong Dien mushroom farm was granted a Certificate of food safety eligibility by the Plant Protection Department – Long An Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Fresh mushrooms: Wash them in cold water to prepare the dish. In case, some users are afraid of the bad smell of mushrooms, we boil water, add mushrooms, take them out immediately, then put them in cold water to drain until the mushrooms are firm and the bad smell is gone, then process.

Dried mushrooms: Wash and blanch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes to process like fresh mushrooms.

Mushrooms are processed into many delicious dishes: hotpot, stir-fry, fried, salad, stew, porridge…

Note: Do not eat too many mushrooms. Quantity 200g/person/meal. There is no need to add MSG because the mushrooms are sweet enough, they must be cooked, not undercooked.


Fresh mushrooms: At temperatures between 1 – 5oC, they can be kept fresh for 5 – 7 days. In home conditions with a refrigerator, abalone mushrooms should be stored in the vegetable compartment.

Dried mushrooms: Dried mushrooms are often susceptible to termites, so there needs to be the best way to preserve them for future use. Should be kept in a cool place, away from moisture, which can lead to bacteria that can easily ferment or fungus. Before using, soak in warm water before processing. How long dried mushrooms can be used depends on how they are stored. If stored in good conditions, they can be used for up to 1 year or can last up to 3 years. The best method to preserve dry foods is in a refrigerator environment. If you have the opportunity to use a vacuum cleaner, dried mushrooms will avoid oxidation and preserve food in the refrigerator longer.


– Fresh mushrooms: 40,000 VND/kg (bagged); 25,000 VND/ 500gram (boxed as a gift).

– Dried mushrooms: 50,000 VND/ 100 grams; 25,000 VND/ 50 grams.

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