Remedies from Red Ganoderma lucidum mushroom

Nature has given us an extremely precious natural medicinal herb, Ganoderma lucidum, also known as red Ganoderma mushroom. Red Ganoderma mushroom has natural medicinal properties that help prevent dangerous diseases such as cancer very effectively that today’s medicine cannot cure. Red Ganoderma mushroom has the characteristic that it can be used with any Western medicine, is not pregnant and does not cause any side effects.

The book “Than Nong Manuscript” (herbal dictionary) ranks Ganoderma as a super premium product even better than ginseng; In the “Manuscript of Erectile Dysfunction” Ganoderma is considered a precious medicine, with the effects of protecting the liver (protecting the liver), detoxifying, strengthening the mind, strengthening the brain (tonifying the brain), eliminating phlegm, diuretic, and benefiting the stomach (nourishing the stomach). thick); Recently, Chinese and Japanese scientists discovered that red Ganoderma mushrooms have the effect of preventing and fighting cancer, anti-aging, and increasing longevity…

Red Ganoderma mushrooms contain many biological activities such as: proteins, polysaccharides, tripecters, steroids, anceloids, fatty acids, antibiotics, especially up to 10.75% of nucleotides that prevent cancer cells from attacking stem cells.

Due to many trace elements such as: germanium, vanadium, chrome. Elderly people using red Ganoderma lucidum will create reactions to eliminate allergies, cell aging, atherosclerosis, and intravascular blood clotting (in combination with some other medicines). Here are some remedies:

– Men 35-55 years old with weak yang: 100gr of yellow star ganoderma mushrooms, small canopy, 500gr of branches and leaves of the cypress tree (cut into 3cm long pieces), 200gr of black beans, 100gr of red beans, all the star mushrooms, 300gr of meat Wash male goat thighs and cook in 1 liter of water. Then add the above herbs to the goat gravy, add 500ml of white wine and cook to 800ml. Drink 2 times/day. Continuously 20 days.

– Men and women who engage in excessive sexual activity can develop complications such as low back pain and kidney yang deficiency: 250 grams of red Ganoderma mushrooms, 250 grams of red Ganoderma mushrooms, 50 grams of oxtail, 50 grams of polygonum multiflora, 50 grams of black beans, 100 grams of lotus seeds with hearts. , 50gr of rosemary, 50gr of dried squid grass, 500gr of fresh oysters, 0.5 liters of honey. All stars are reduced to yellow earth, crushed, added honey, and kneaded into a thick powder. Boil oyster meat in 1,500ml of water, boil to 800ml, add medicinal powder and stir well. Incubate after 5 days. Eat 3 times/day (1-2 tablespoons).

– Abdomen is bloated, jaundice, spleen lacks bile reaction, chest is always tight, choking due to liver qi congestion: Roasted red Ganoderma mushroom, puree 50gr, dahlia 10gr, 6gr pith, licorice 6gr, 8gr incense, 7gr tulips, 9gr ash and 10gr yellow chrysanthemum. Cook with 1 liter of water until 250ml remains. Divide into 3 parts, drink all day.

– Pimples: Traditional medicine uses herbs to clear heat thanks to their cooling properties. Later, when discovering the medicinal value of red Ganoderma mushrooms, physicians prepared the following medicine to help pubescent children completely treat pimples caused by blood heat and toxic heat. Young men and women often suffer from this discomfort due to the body sweating in hot weather, humid rain, and environmental pollution. The medicine ladder mainly includes the following six flavors: 150gr of red Ganoderma mushroom, 50gr of Phyllanthus urinaria, 30gr of seaweed, 30gr of dandelion, 150gr of squid grass and 150gr of pennywort. Remove the soil and boil in 1,500ml of water. After 30 minutes, extract 500ml and boil again to 500ml. Add 2 times of water, boil again to 500ml, drink during the day, 7 consecutive days will eliminate acne, facial skin will be shiny and rosy again.

– Chronic hepatitis B, unresolved with Western medicine treatment, with signs of complications such as cirrhosis, ascites, water-logged skin, edema: use 500 grams of Ganoderma lucidum mushroom, 100 grams of Solanum procumbens (also known as Sylimarineae). (available at traditional medicine stores). Wash, remove yellow clay, boil in 1 liter of water to leave 1 cup (keep the body and cook a second time). Drink twice in the morning and afternoon. Continuously for 4 weeks, cool the liver, The swelling subsides, the skin becomes firmer.
